Russell Campus Upgrade
This project began as an upgrade to the antiquated public address system which was installed in 1996 and expanded with the building expansion in 2001. The building's failed equipment had not been replaced and the system no longer functioned. In addition, the building use changed to include meeting rooms that outside groups could utilize for public presentations. The meeting room scope of work added a level of complexity to the design due to the rooms multiple configurations and uses. Ultimately, the public address system was designed to allow for multiple different channels to be used to address different parts of the building as needed. The meeting rooms included touch panels to control the rooms and also provided for wireless microphones and assistive listening devices.
The project was broken out into three phases. Phase 1 included upgrading the paging equipment in head end audio video room and new requirements, AV equipment for the presentation room and for new requirements, addition of paging speakers in areas where coverage was minimal and outdoor areas where there was no coverage, and AV equipment in one conference room. Phase 2 included upgrades for the AV equipment in three conference rooms and Phase 3 involved AV equipment upgrade for a training room and two conference rooms.
Project Data
Clark County Real Property Management
Las Vegas, NV